Sophia MavridiEngaging students through asynchronous video-based lessons

Session 3

In our third webinar, Sophia Mavridi takes us into asynchronous teaching contexts, such as blended learning, flipped teaching, and fully asynchronous online contexts. As more and more classes are moving online, teachers are looking for engaging and pedagogically sound ways to help students learn remotely. The use of asynchronous video can offer unique opportunities for this but it usually raises a number of questions for teachers: What are the principles of using video asynchronously? Do teachers need to create their own videos or use ready-made ones? How can they scaffold and engage students at a distance? This interactive session looks at the pedagogy of using video in the asynchronous, blended and flipped classroom and suggest effective and practical ways this can be achieved.


Sophia Mavridi, Lecturer in Digital Technologies & English Language Teaching, De Montfort University, UK

Sophia Mavridi is a digital learning specialist and lecturer in English Language​ ​Teaching at De Montfort University (Leicester,​ UK). She has a strong theoretical and practical background in technology-enhanced language learning and uses this knowledge to support institutions and teachers worldwide to integrate technology in a pedagogically sound way. Find out more about her here Digital Pedagogy.

Sensations English Teacher’s Edition

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