Webinars for

Our teaching English with graded, authentic, global resources webinar series provides teachers with high-quality advice from ELT experts. The webinar series shares engaging ideas, sound theory, and reliable strategies for using authentic resources with your learners and bringing global content into your teaching to support learning.
Each expert offers many simple ways for you to enhance your teaching using authentic, graded, global resources.
Find the webinar you want below.
Webinar 1: Accent representation in English language teaching: what teachers need to know. – Gemma Archer
(University of Strathclyde)
For some students, pronunciation can be an anxiety inducing topic. One reason for this could be that their pronunciation, often referred to as ‘the face of language’ (Levis & McCrocklin, 2018, p.79), is immediately visible to listeners, revealing their identity as an international speaker. But rather than embracing this status, many students choose to listen and emulate the ‘face’ that continues to be most visible (or in this case audible)to them in ELT, that of the prestige model native speaker with a Standard British or General American English accent. In this session I’ll discuss the consequences accent dominance in English language teaching has on our students’ perception, production, and learner identity. I’ll then suggest ways we can support their comprehension and tolerance of diverse Global English accents, as well as their own intelligible pronunciation.

Webinar 2: Working with emergent language: Ideas and activities from the classroom – Richard Chinn & Danny Norrington-Davies
(King’s College London & International House)

Webinar 3: Global Issues – Dr Amina Douidi
(DEI and Intercultural Communication consultant)
Global issues have very local realities which our students may deal with on a daily. Issues like inequality and injustice hardly ever stay outside of the classroom, particularly if the students feel safe or engaged enough to discuss them with their teacher and classmates. In this webinar, we will address ways, language educators, through the mediation of videos, can support their students find the language and intercultural competencies to talk about these issues.

Webinar 4: Teaching with Video: exploring methods and approaches- Vicky Saumell
(IEducational Consultant)
In this session, we will look at traditional and current methods and approaches that lend themselves well for teaching with video. We will describe them briefly and outline their affordances in depth by providing examples of how to use them to plan video-based lessons. The session will also explore how digital literacies, active learning strategies, critical thinking, visible thinking and creativity can be incorporated along with these methods in order to create meaningful learning experiences. By the end of the session, you will be able to make informed decisions to be able to plan video-based lessons effectively in class.

Sensations English Teacher’s Edition
Sensations English is passionate about providing teachers with quality resources, guidance, and support to teach inspiring lessons, and now we’re a British Council ELTons 2021 Finalist!
Get British Council ELTons award-nominated resources and timesaving teacher tools to use in class with our Sensations English Teacher’s Edition. To celebrate our place in the finals of the 2021 ELTons, we are offering you 50% off Sensations English Teacher’s Edition – just sign up today!